Human Rights Council

About Us

About Human Rights Council

We are Committed To Protect Human Rights of Every Indian

Human Right Council is a social venture, a non-profit organisation, engaged in assisting victims of human trafficking escape from their exploiters. The organisation is registered in Delhi in 2019 and led by Rajesh Chaturvedi, Anisha Sunwar and Shalu Chhetri, who are professionals, who have worked against human trafficking for over 2 decades.
Our Team

Meet With Our Directors

Rajesh Chaturvedi

Director 2

Santosh Sedhai

Director 4

Why Us?

With 2 decades of working as investigators to detect and identify people who have been trafficked and exploited, who are kept in confinement and threatened, abused and tortured to accept their slavery, Rajesh and Santosh gained experience and insight how to break through nexus of traffickers and their associates, how to gather intelligence and conduct investigation to determine where a trafficked victim is confined and hidden, how to reach out to survivors and check with them if they are truly trafficked and under threat and exploitation. The team has also been witness to a large number of abusive and corrupt practices that force sex workers and child labour into being ‘rescued’ through force, deception, fraud, trickery and abuse of power.
Human Right Council aims to assist victims of human trafficking who wish to escape their exploiters, supporting the agency of survivors. It would focus only on survivors of human trafficking who are currently in bondage, confinement, torture, forced labour and forced prostitution and specifically on child sexual exploitation. It would challenge any unlawful, unethical and immoral means to seduce or trick any person into being ‘rescued’ or engage in any form of forced rescue.
Human Right Council assists survivors who escape trafficking with legal aid – and prevent any secondary victimization such as forced institutionalisation. It works closely in partnership with organisations working in Nepal, India and Bangladesh to facilitate voluntary return of survivors to their home states or find alternative rehabilitation support services.
  • Our Mission
  • Regions of Operation

The organisation’s mission is to assist survivors of trafficking escape from their traffickers and be able to claim compensation, claim services for their recovery and rehabilitation, fight for their prosecution and fight the State against forced institutionalisation and negligence in investigations (against traffickers). It aims to change the current practices of rescue by police and NGOs which rely on poor investigation, forced rescue, forced institutionalisation of survivors and poor rehabilitation services.

MRO also aims to strengthen intelligence in newer forms of trafficking which are starkly different from what used to the modus operandi. It will focus on research on how the sites of child prostitution has moved away from red light areas to non brothel based prostitution, how trading, solicitation, buying and selling between ‘customers’, pimps and traffickers use technology – and evolve strategies using on field investigations and technologies to identify children and young adults in trafficked situations. These learnt techniques it will share with the police for upscale and institutionalisation.

MRO aims to work across India. In 2019, it targets operations in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and West Bengal.


MRO is a non-profit organisation and depends on donations and contributions from organisations and individuals for its work. You are our collaborator and supporter if:
  1. You are an organisation that provides community based rehabilitation services to survivors of trafficking. We could form a collaboration on rescue, repatriation and community based rehabilitation and enable survivors escape forced institutionalisation. We could also work together to help survivors and the State convict traffickers in source and destination areas of trafficking.
  2. You are a patron who wishes to invest in MRO as a start up. You could be an individual or an organisation that aims to support anti slavery work. We are in need of your support to finance our operations.
  3. You are an international funding organisation. We cannot receive your funds but if your partners are engaged in anti slavery work, and can assist survivors in rehabilitation or need support for rescue, we could be that agency that supports your partners.

Thanks and Regards from Human Rights, team